Quick Look is always displaying strings in development language

    • Quick Look is always displaying strings in development language

      FB8895799 — macOS

      Basic Information

      Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback:
      Quick Look is always displaying strings in development language

      Which area are you seeing an issue with?
      QuickLook Framework

      What type of issue are you reporting?
      Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior


      Please describe the issue and what steps we can take to reproduce it:
      My Quick Look generator plugin is using English as its Development Language and in addition a German localization. When using Quick Look in the Finder of a German user, the english default texts are shown. When using qlmanage from the Terminal, localized texts are shown in German.
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    • Heute - nach über vier Monaten - eine Reaktion von Apple:

      Apple Feedback schrieb:

      Thank you for your feedback, it is noted. Engineering has determined that there are currently no plans to address this issue.

      You can close this feedback by clicking on the "Close Feedback" link. Thank you.
      Danke Apple, Ihr mich auch :cursing:

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